
The serious risks of Powassan Virus

Coppe Labs offers Powassan Virus testing Here is yet another article that discusses the serious risks of Powassan Virus, Beyond Lyme: New Tick-Borne Diseases On The Rise In U.S. Coppe Laboratories performs both direct (PCR) and indirect (serology) testing for POWV. A blood test is all that is required. Test results are available within 14 days. Learn more Getting the best treatment possible often depends upon determining the type of infection and reporting those results in a timely fashion. Better…

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Ticks transmit more than just Lyme disease

Powassan Virus symptoms can be serious Ticks transmit more than just Lyme disease. This was evidenced again by a recent news story depicting the difficult journey of recovery for former North Carolina senator Kay Hagan after she contracted Powassan encephalitis from a tick bite. Serious neurologic complications of Powassan Virus infection include headache, confusion, memory loss, disorientation and sometimes even death. Coppe Laboratories is the only commercial reference lab in the US that provides testing for Powassan virus (POWV). Tick…

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Study Shows Tick Expansion in US

2015 Blacklegged tick study In an article published in the Journal of Entomology, authors looked at the incidence of blacklegged ticks across counties in the US and compared the number in 2015 with those previously reported in 1998.  According to the authors, there is a 44.7% increase in the number of counties with ticks in 2015 over the number reported in 1998. The majority of the changes occurred in the Northeastern and North Central United States. This study is important…

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Painless Knee Effusion is Early Sign of Lyme Disease

Water on the knee could be indicator of Lyme disease Early symptoms of Lyme disease are not always obvious, including the notorious erythema migrans ("bullseye") rash, which is seen in only a subset of patients. Thus, knowing additional signs of the disease is important. A November 2015 study by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons suggests knee effusions, or “water on the knee,” might be an indicator of the disease even in the absence of the rash and a known…

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