Blood test for Powassan Virus by Coppe Laboratories

Immunofluorescent antibody stain showing positive Powassan-infected cells
Coppe Laboratories Powassan Virus testing includes both a direct and indirect test. A simple blood sample is all that is required. The direct test (PCR) will detect acute infection and the indirect test (IFA) provides evidence of viral exposure. The picture at the left represents a positive POWV.
Powassan virus is carried by the same tick that causes Lyme disease. Unlike Lyme Borrelia, however, the virus is transmitted within 15 minutes of tick attachment making it unique among tick-borne pathogens in that even diligent adherence to daily tick checks may be inadequate to prevent infection.
The clinical presentation of the viral infection, similar to both acute and chronic Lyme disease, includes symptoms of fatigue, fever, muscle weakness, confusion, headache, nausea and vomiting. Fatalities have been reported in 10% of cases with serious neurological disease. Long-term neurologic symptoms have been noted in up to 50% of survivors.
Coppe Laboratories is the first reference laboratory to provide testing for Powassan virus.